SCOTX Justice Let Off the Hook

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In 2008, the Texas Ethics Commission found that Justice Nathan Hecht violated state ethics laws.

Today, Hecht was let off the hook.

After reviewing a complaint filed by Texas Watch, the ethics commission determined that Hecht improperly accepted a six-figure discount on legal expenses. The TEC ruled the discount was a campaign donation that exceeded contribution limits for judicial candidates and was not reported on campaign finance filings.They fined him $29,000. Hecht appealed the ruling to state court where it languished for seven years.

According to the San Antonio Express-News, Hecht and the TEC have settled the matter. Hecht’s fine will be slashed from $29,000 to just $1,000.

“Nathan Hecht is being let off the hook. Pure and simple,” said Alex Winslow, executive director of Texas Watch. “This saga makes a mockery of so-called ethics ‘enforcement’. Apparently, the way high ranking officials can beat the rap is to simply delay the process indefinitely.”

A brief timeline of the case:

  • July 24, 2007: Texas Watch files complaint against Justice Nathan Hecht with the Texas Ethics Commission (TEC) alleging illegal acceptance of unreported campaign contribution
  • December 11, 2008: TEC rules that Hecht violated multiple sections of the state Elections Code, levying a fine of $29,000
  • January 9, 2009: Hecht appeals the TEC ruling to state court; Attorney General Greg Abbott responds as TEC’s legal counsel
  • October 15, 2014: Texans for Public Justice intervenes to disqualify Abbott from the case
  • October 28, 2015: TEC and Hecht settle the case by slashing the fine to $1,000
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