
Patrick Directs Senators to Study Insurance Claims Abuse

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Lt. Governor Dan Patrick has directed the Business & Commerce Committee to study insurance claims handling practices and the impact on Texas consumers and the Texas insurance market.

Following is a statement from Alex Winslow, executive director of the policyholder advocacy organization Texas Watch:

A Broken System: Texas Mutual’s Special “Justice”

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Texas Mutual Insurance Company is garnering the attention of the press, local officials, and state legislators for all the wrong reasons.

Episode 8: Preparing for Hurricane Season

After a year of record rainfall and flooding for the Lone Star State, Hurricane Season 2015 will reach its peak this month. Seven storms have already rocked the Atlantic, resulting in 51 casualties and almost 400 million in property damage. This month, we spoke to Executive Director Alex Winslow and Deputy Director Ware Wendell about preparing for hurricane season and how to rebuild after a disaster.

Preparing for Hurricane Season

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The National Hurricane Center has announced the first hurricane of the Atlantic season. The storm, named Danny, is currently charted to hit the Caribbean islands, but could cause some tropical storms for the Gulf of Mexico and Texas.

Here are 5 things every Texan do in preparation for hurricane season or any natural disaster:

Big Data Drives Your Car Insurance Bill

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What do you think is more important to your insurance premium: a clean driving record or bad credit?

In a groundbreaking new special report that reviewed 2 billion car insurance quotes across the country, Consumer Reports revealed that your spotless driving record and claims history may have less of an impact than you think.

Episode 5: Session Recap

This week on “Texas Tells” we’re going through the highs and lows of the 84th Legislative Session. We’ll speak to Texas Watch’s Executive Director Alex Winslow about the fight to preserve policyholder protections, working towards a Safe Texas, and his thoughts on the session.

84th Legislative Session Highlights

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Thanks to the support of the thousands families and businesses across the state who made calls, signed petitions, sent emails, and shared their experiences, we had our most successful session in years. Together, we worked towards a Safe Texas by blocking dangerous anti-policyholder legislation and supporting bills to improve workplace and community safety. Here’s what our session looked like. 

Last Ditch Effort to Graft Anti-Policyholder Provisions onto HB 3787

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Recent severe weather events have Texas families and businesses digging out, evaluating property damage, and preparing necessary insurance claims. Meanwhile, the insurance industry and its cohorts at the self-styled Texans for Lawsuit Reform are trying to shove last second changes through the legislature that would roll back decades of key policyholder protections.

HB 3787 Severely Limits Home, Commercial Insurance Claim Deadlines

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The Texas House is scheduled to debate House Bill 3787 tomorrow. The bill severely and arbitrarily shortens the amount of time policyholders have to make a claim or file suit against their insurance carrier for the wrongful denial or underpayment of their claim. The legislation: 

Episode 4: Texas Tells Podcast

The bill that burdens business. This month on Texas Tells, we spoke to Texas business owners about the Insurance Immunity Act or SB1628. The bill, which erodes crucial policyholder protections against low, slow, or no payment tactics by insurance companies, passed out of the Senate this week. In this month’s interview, Pampa hardware store owner Harold Price speaks out against the bill, arguing that it would shutter businesses across the state.