Mechanics working in an auto repair shop with tools and signs in the background. Photo by cottonbro studio via Pexels


As our state’s economy thrives and our population booms, Texas families and communities face new threats to their physical and financial safety.

On the road, on the job, and in the home, Texans are looking for meaningful protections and strong accountability measures. So, priority one for lawmakers should be to adopt common sense steps to put the safety of Texas families, patients and small businesses first.


Recent Safety Videos

Patient safety advocates testify in favor of HB 148

Executive Director Ware Wendell testifies in favor of HB 4194

Becky Berend advocates for #PatientSafety and #HospitalTransparency

Executive Director Ware Wendell testifies in favor of HB 49

Executive Director Ware Wendell testifies in favor of HB 1321

We need #FairAppraisal and #SafeRepairs!

Safe Repairs Save Lives!

Make Your Voice Heard with Texas Watch


Safety, Insurance Resources

Auto Insurance

Texas Department of Insurance

Auto Insurance

Texas Department of Insurance

Auto Insurance Guide

Texas Department of Insurance

Communicating about Physician Sexual Misconduct (2022)

Informed Patient Safety Institute

Consumer Bill of Rights

Texas Department of Insurance

Consumer Bill of Rights

Texas Department of Insurance

Covid 19 Live Map

Johns Hopkins

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