Help Us Fill the Boot!

Fill the Boot Fundraising Campaign

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The 86th Legislative Session is underway, and Texas Watch is on the front lines fighting for working families, consumers, and patients and opposing those who seek special privileges for special interests. 

Texas Watch is the only citizen-led consumer advocacy group in our state that advocates on these crucial issues, standing for the 7th Amendment. We’ve had the honor of being in this fight for 20 years, and we wouldn’t be here without our generous supporters and partners in the fight like youJames.

Every dollar goes a long way in our ability to get out the message to folks like you. Please help us Fill the Boot and reach our goal of $15,000 so we can spread the word this session and raise our voices at the Capitol. 

Will you chip in $10, $25, or $50 right now to help us in the fight this session?

We fight giants like the insurance lobby and corporate lobbyists who want to close the courthouse doors to you. As a non-profit, we rely on widespread grassroots supporters and the donations that come in online from emails like this one – $25 at a time – to hit our goal.

Thanks in advance and, as always, it's truly an honor to be in this fight with you.